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How Much Sugar?

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  • 03 Jul 2010 5:48 AM
    Reply # 375679 on 373760
    Deleted user

    Hi All,


    It is great to hear how everyone is going. I'm thinking that I need to be a bit careful with the high fat stuff too. I could be overcompensating for my lack of sugar. Strangely I'm feeling fine today. I expected to get a lot worse before I felt better. I am amazed by how hard it is to buy ready made stuff that meets the low sugar criteria. Like you guys I am amazed how much sugar hides in savoury stuff. Why? I think I will be doing a lot more cooking and baking.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day tomorrow,


  • 03 Jul 2010 7:59 AM
    Reply # 375697 on 373760
    Deleted user
    Hi everyone
    I've enjoyed reading all your posts.  I have been yo-yo dieting on the high protein low carb diet for two years.  I would last 3-4 weeks and then have a major blowout for a few weeks til the scales went up too much then I would start all over again!  I happened to read an extract of David's new book in last Sunday's paper then went out and bought the book on Tuesday.  I started being sugar free on Wednesday 30th and had a headache until today.  I was shocked at how much hidden sugar I was eating - I knew I was eating sugar when I was downing a packet of tim tams in one sitting or the family blocks of chocolate I would eat in one go - I knew I had a problem but I thought I was a glutton and then get so disheartened about my lack of control and my weight that I would turn to more chocolate for comfort.  It is so good to finally know that there is a real reason behind the constant craving for sweet food.  Since I've started fructose free eating (I am not calling this one a diet) I am constantly hungry and snacking but managing to stay away from fructose.  I just hope that the snack foods don't make me gain more weight, hopefully once I get past the withdrawal my hunger will settle.  Anyway, I hope you are all coping well and I look forward to reading more of your posts.
  • 03 Jul 2010 8:57 PM
    Reply # 375960 on 373760
    Deleted user

    Hi everyone

    Well its day 4 and I managed a day at the local football with the kids and did not go near the fructose !! I went to the canteen for a coffee and resisted the carrot cake and chocolate bar that i usually would get after my pie!!! Instead I had hommus and crackers in the car and a pre made avacado sandwich with me.11

    I am still so hungry but maybe, just maybe it is easing a little bit...I am surprised not to have a headache or anything, I can honestly say hunger has been the main symptom so far.  i sure hope i am not blowing all my exercise over the last 6 months to loose a bit of weight with one week of eating like a horse (a sugar free horse that is !)

    I made the chocolate fudge last night and WOW it is fantastic, my kids and husband did not even realise it was sugar free,  I hear you when you say that maybe more home made things are in order as its just so hard to buy pre packaged food that is low iin sugar

    I am so interested in everyone's journeys, it is good to know there are others out there doing the same thing at the same time, how is everyones weight going? although i know its about health and not weight really but interested just the same :)

    Good luck for today

    H xx


  • 05 Jul 2010 7:32 PM
    Reply # 376805 on 373760
    Deleted user

    Hi Everyone,


    Well its day 6 and I am still feeling OK.

    I have noticed something strange. I'm not constantly looking for snacks. I find myself standing at the pantry sometimes but I really don't want anything. That must be a habit I think - just to grab something to eat when I finish each job. Washing on the line , biscuit, sweep front verandah, chocolate, pick up toys, another biscuit. It was amazing how constantly I was having something to snack on. All high sugar. And busily beating myself up about my lack of will power at the same time.

    Can change happen that fast?

    I've also decided just for the moment not to worry too much about losing weight either. It's early days so I'll give myself a few more weeks to keep focussing on managing the fructose as much as I can and then see what I need to do next.

     I've still got a long way to go obviously but I am feeling very positive about this. I was at the point where I really felt quite hopeless. I just couldn't start losing weight again. It is great to be feeling positive,

    Hope everyone has a good day,


  • 06 Jul 2010 3:27 AM
    Reply # 376945 on 373760
    Deleted user
    I suffer with pretty bad arthritis and have joined and purchased the book last week. And yes, I have been a 'sweet tooth' for 50 odd years .!!! A sugar 'junkie' so-to-speak, and now that the pain has gotten unbearable and more and more perscription drugs consumed each day to deal with it, I am hoping that by becoming a long term SUGAR FREE person I can overcome the arthritis for good and lead a normal life again, without the poison. I am writing this note in the hope that someone has been in a similar situation and maybe has had a positive result in relation to their arthritis after elimination of the 'sugar poison.!!!  Many thanks, Gerry
  • 06 Jul 2010 4:37 AM
    Reply # 376955 on 373760
    Deleted user

    Hi everyone


    Well day 6 and i am happy to have a headache!! I had not really had any symptoms up until now and was worried there was some sneaky sugar hiding in my diet keeping me well !!!

    I too have decided not to worry about weight loss and just concentrate on the fructose free bit and its actaully a fun challenge, i wake up each day and think... wow i wonder if i can do it again today? and the answer has been yes for 6 days now !

    I am not as hungry today thank goodness as i have actaully felt full for the first time in ... well.. forever i think.

    Anxious to hear  how everyone else is doing

    H (P.s. the headache is just a niggly one at the background of everything )


  • 06 Jul 2010 7:45 AM
    Reply # 376971 on 373760
    Deleted user
    Hi everyone,
    Can someone please tell me what they are eating in a day, I have just brought the book on line so I am waiting for it to arrive but I am keen to start this sugar free life. I think it would be great to see a meal plan of what people are eating in a day. Also has anyone lost any weight yet.      
  • 06 Jul 2010 7:31 PM
    Reply # 377490 on 376945
    Deleted user
    Gerry Gleeson wrote:I suffer with pretty bad arthritis and have joined and purchased the book last week. And yes, I have been a 'sweet tooth' for 50 odd years .!!! A sugar 'junkie' so-to-speak, and now that the pain has gotten unbearable and more and more perscription drugs consumed each day to deal with it, I am hoping that by becoming a long term SUGAR FREE person I can overcome the arthritis for good and lead a normal life again, without the poison. I am writing this note in the hope that someone has been in a similar situation and maybe has had a positive result in relation to their arthritis after elimination of the 'sugar poison.!!!  Many thanks, Gerry
    Hi Gerry,
    While I have never been diagnosed with arthritis I know that when I have gone off sugar my joint pain has disappeared as well - so I think you have a lot to look forward to.  I'm about 3 weeks off the stuff now and am noticing a huge improvement in my bendiness and no joint pain at all.
    Keep going!  It can't but help, I think.
  • 07 Jul 2010 2:48 AM
    Reply # 377700 on 373760
    Deleted user

    Great to read that you all support each other, heaven knows it isn't easy to go on a fructose minimisation diet.  For a start, it is nearly impossible to buy any food that hasn't been heavily supplemented with the "natural" sweetener.  To this point (3 weeks in) the worst has to be the petrol station minimart.  I challenge anyone to find food in there that isn't loaded with sugars.

    Then there are skeptical family & friends who see this as another "fad".  All I can say is read the book or try it yourself.  After 3 weeks I feel great.

    Keep up the good work.

    ps. the chocolate mousse is a real winner that everyone will enjoy, also really easy to make.

  • 07 Jul 2010 7:46 AM
    Reply # 377743 on 373760
    Deleted user
    Hi guys I was fructose free from jan-march of this year and felt AWESOME. Best health decision I've made, ever.
    To cut a long story short I backslid and am now back to feeling pretty miserable about my diet. I realise that this fructose/sugar-free thing has to be a lifetime commitment.

    I bought some dextrose on the weekend and proceeded to experiment with some baking. Some of the recipes turned out well - too well in fact! 
    My problem is even though I definitely feel full quicker eating things baked with dextrose instead of sucrose, I think that it's the comfort of eating something sweet that I'm addicted to. I feel that I am always tempted to keep eating even when my stomach is telling me I'm full. Maybe the answer for me is to cut out all sweet things until I, like David, just lose the craving for it completely. It did happen once, but when I allowed sugar back in (even in tiny amounts) I only wanted more. It's just SO disheartening how easy it is to get hooked again.

    Anyone else out there who have similar feelings about glucose/dextrose?
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