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How Much Sugar?

Types of Fat

  • 27 Feb 2011 12:22 AM
    Message # 533829
    i have not been able to find, in either book, a discussion about the pros-&-cons of the various types of fat - saturated, unsaturated, mono-unsaturated, trans etc. I follow the discussion about fat metabolism in Book-1 but I can't find out anything about the types. What a pity Book-1 didn't have an index.

    Can anyone enlighten me please? My wife insists that despite my appetite-control-system controlling the quantity of fat I ingest, eating the baddies will continue to have a negative effect on my health.
  • 28 Feb 2011 6:25 PM
    Reply # 534897 on 533829
    Deleted user
    Hi, I've been doing reading around this very topic, and my initial impressions are that your body deals with fats differently on sugar than off. Once off it's possible that saturated fats become beneficial in some amazing ways.  Helping with inflammation and heading off cancers before they establish themselves are two examples.  

    So at the moment I'm cutting back on vege oils (not olive oil tho)   and going with butter, olive oil, and coconut fat is fine too, BUT in moderation. there are books out there, and websites to investigate... David's books are primarily on the sugar topic, so it's great to read around till he starts figuring out a bigger picture kind of book, which I hope he will do someday! (Go David!)

    also read up on homogenised milk and the effect on the fat molecules, I'm now going for organic whole milk. re-learning to enjoy creamy milk after years of skimmed or homogenised... I no longer see saturated fats as "toxic" which is a radical change, and I have friends who think I am mad as they are going on old information from nutrition advice still circulating. So people lack confidence if you make these changes and they haven't done all this reading! The science can seem daunting but I'm lucky I enjoy and mostly comprehend it. 

    Googling around you'll soon see the two main strands of thought regarding this fat issue, and I quickly stop reading the recycled old conservative websites, and hunt out the better written, more scientific articles, there is plenty out there. happy hunting. Over time you may be able to gather a few good sources that present the info clearly enough for skeptical partners to see where you're heading and why. My husband is convinced by my discoveries, and is eating in this new yet traditional way, although I do all the info gathering. If you want more links let me know and I can post more that I've discovered. Cheers, Julie

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