Hi Carley, apologies for late reply. I've not really been on this part of the site before and just saw your post. Hopefully you have progressed nicely on your health and weightloss journey.
There is SO much info out there and it can be totally overwhelming! I believe that JERF (Just Eat Real Food) is the most straight-forward method to follow. Basically, restricting what we eat to unprocessed foods with little to no human interference. Think the outside isles of the grocery store - fruit, vegetables, meat, canned vegetables, beans & legumes, good-quality herbs and spices etc.
While this can be hard, I don't think it needs to be 100% - I think 80% : 20% is a good balance. So when buying processed foods (chips, snacks etc), I have found that scrutinising the labels/using David's guides has proved valuable to shifting my mindset to buying what is healthy for my body, and making it easier.
Do you listen to The You Project podcast episodes with David? These help to reinforce my mindset of not putting the crap into my body or being conned by big business etc. I also love Matty Lansdown and the How to Not Get Sick and Die podcast.
Hope this may help a little :)