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Chocolate Coconut Pudding

  • 17 Sep 2010 10:06 PM
    Message # 420452
    Deleted user

    This tastes like a Golden Rough Chocolate you can buy at the shops.

    Chocolate Coconut Pudding

    I tub 175g forme french vanilla yoghurt.

    1 Tablespoon cocoa.

    2 Tablespoons Coconut flour (purchased from a health food store).

    Dextrose to taste.

    Hot water.

    Mix togther as little hot water as possible with the cocoa to make a smooth liquid

    Add the yoghurt and the coconut to mix and mix until combined

    Taste to see if you need the dextrose, add if you need the extra sweetness.

    Refrigerate for about an hour.

    It becomes pudding like and is rich and thick, yummy and very filling.



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