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How Much Sugar?

Totally new

  • 28 Apr 2012 9:50 AM
    Message # 905067
    Deleted user

    Hi- I bought the books and Im ready to start. I need to lose weight and generally feel less lethargic and flat all the time- gee I sound like quite the catch dont I:)

    Looking forward to reading all your tips and hopefully to losing some excess along the road to better health :)


  • 28 Apr 2012 6:08 PM
    Reply # 905243 on 905067
    Deleted user
    Hey Judy, welcome aboard !! I bought the book at an airport, and within a week, I'd stopped eating sugar, and within a month, I lost 10 kg.  I feel a lot better, and I just love that I'm not constantly drawn to food, I actually feel full.  I suspect I came off sugar easier than most, which is odd, given how much I used to eat, so, don't take any one person's story as something you have to live up to, the important thing is, to stick to it, and you will reap the rewards.

  • 08 May 2012 3:26 AM
    Reply # 914401 on 905067
    Deleted user
    Hi all - just joined - have read 2 and half of Davids books - stumbled across them quite by accident - was trying to loose weight but didnt want to yo yo as i have done in the past.  still finding the temptation especially of a night a bit difficult, however, if i distract myself then i am ok.  i have taking a liking to popcorn (unbuttered).  that is now my treat.  any other hints that you can pass along would be great.  still looking at labels for the sugar content, however, what do you do when you dont have a label - eg at the deli?  anyway i want to live a long time free from some of the diseases David talks about.  thanks all any tips would be appreciated.  Michelle
  • 09 May 2012 12:25 AM
    Reply # 915268 on 905067
    Deleted user
    What I do is, not shop there, or if I have to, then try to make logical choices and accept that I'm going to end up eating a little sugar.  I try to make my own food as much as possible, so I know exactly what's in it.  Avoiding vegetable oil altogether is a LOT harder than avoiding sugar ( which is hard enough ).  I've lost 10 kg in a month though, so it's going well.  I had dessert two nights running ( ate two nights in restaurants ) and put on 1 kg, lost it again in two nights, so it's easy to put back on, and I'd suggest anyone struggling to lose weight, look again to see if there's any hidden sugar in what you're eating and drinking.

  • 09 May 2012 6:09 AM
    Reply # 915381 on 915268
    Christian Graus wrote:What I do is, not shop there, or if I have to, then try to make logical choices and accept that I'm going to end up eating a little sugar.  I try to make my own food as much as possible, so I know exactly what's in it.  Avoiding vegetable oil altogether is a LOT harder than avoiding sugar ( which is hard enough ).  I've lost 10 kg in a month though, so it's going well.  I had dessert two nights running ( ate two nights in restaurants ) and put on 1 kg, lost it again in two nights, so it's easy to put back on, and I'd suggest anyone struggling to lose weight, look again to see if there's any hidden sugar in what you're eating and drinking.

    Yes, I've had that experience too . .  pig out and see the extra weigh tomorrow!  Go easy for a few days and lose it. Funny, I would have thought the process was slower to react than that.

    Who said you had to "avoid vegetable oils all together" ?  Seed oils are the bad guys. See BFL.

    And if you lost 10kg in a month YOU'RE DOING VERY WELL!!

  • 10 May 2012 1:19 AM
    Reply # 916211 on 905067
    Deleted user
    Yes, I know my result is not typical.  And, I also know that it's seed oils.  They are typically listed as 'vegetable oil' on an ingredients label ( which means 'whichever one is cheapest' ).  You've called me out on that before.... :P

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