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How Much Sugar?

Thank You

  • 03 Apr 2012 9:56 PM
    Message # 881311
    My name is Andrew. I am 43 and had spent my life being hungry. I was not obese but I was overweight and I never knew why, even when I was stuffed to the gills, I never felt SATISFIED. I heard David being interviewed on the radio, told my wife, we bought "Big, Fat, Lies" and began a sugar free life as the book seemed perfectly reasonable and there was nothing to lose but the weight.

    Four weeks on and I cannot begin to describe the transformations occurring for my wife and myself. I am becoming a different person because I am no longer compelled to eat (that is, no longer addicted to sugar). I eat, my body tells me when to stop, and I do not think about it until it is time to replenish my system. This has been COMPLETELY UNACHIEVABLE MY ENTIRE LIFE, before I stopped sugar (and believe me, I'd tried).

    Not only are we losing weight, but psychologically we feel we have been set free. Our bodies are self regulating,  fat burning machines and we are never deprived. We have replaced polyunsaturates for animal fats and olive oil; dextrose for sugar and the evidence is there every time I stop eating BECAUSE I'M FULL.

    Thank you David for discovering the trees that were hidden by the forest.
  • 03 Apr 2012 11:34 PM
    Reply # 881389 on 881311
    Deleted user
    Hey Andrew.  Welcome aboard.  Sounds like you've been doing it longer than me.  I am the same as you, 43, and just never not hungry.  I've been trying to cut sugar for a week now, with mixed success, to be honest, but certainly the amount I've had is minimal.  I have lost 2 kg, and I got up this morning and just was NOT HUNGRY.  I work from home, so I walk past the fridge often and today I skipped lunch and had a small breakfast, that was UNHEARD OF two weeks ago.  So, I'm feeling pretty confident that this is going to work out, just because it's not dieting, I'm not hungry, and I'm not eating all the time.  60 Minutes did a story on sugar last week, and apparently a friend ( who is doubtful ) heard a story on the radio, the concept of sugar as poison is definitely becoming more mainstream, which is good news, maybe we'll start to see sugar free frozen cheesecakes in the supermarket, just like there's so many 'Low GI' foods today....

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