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How Much Sugar?

week one

  • 26 Mar 2012 5:50 AM
    Message # 868420
    Deleted user
    Hi, have been hearing about David`s books for months but really listened to interview on ABC this week. I have been doing Dukan diet(again!) for 2 weeks after coming home from a 3 week cruise.
    Today I was feeling nauseous  and had  headache and sitting there reading David`s book I realised I was already in sugar withdrawal. Great I have only been having protein and low-fat dairy for 2 weeks and little else I have eliminated most of the sugar already. Cannot stop reading the book and telling family and friends about it. I hope This means I never have to diet ever again. 
  • 27 Mar 2012 8:15 PM
    Reply # 870084 on 868420
    Deleted user
    I know what you mean! you feel like you're being really annoying, but it's just so exciting you want to tell the world!  I have found however that most people just aren't convinced by what you're saying, they need to read it or watch David's interviews for themselves.   We started to tell people what we were doing, but have now decided we'll just let the results show themselves and when people comment, they'll wish they hadn't haha.  All the best to you! Chelle
  • 27 Mar 2012 8:18 PM
    Reply # 870088 on 868420
    Deleted user
    PS. do you think it be hard to stick to the no-sugar lifestyle on a cruise? I'm going on one in September and would be gutted if I didn't stick to being sugar free.  Of course I'm hoping by then it will just be a natural thing to not want or eat it.
  • 27 Mar 2012 9:31 PM
    Reply # 870127 on 868420
    Deleted user
    What I find is that there's a cruise moment every day. Someone you really like guilelessly goes out of their way to make you a sugar treat, a client offers, only for you, his grandmother's 1000 year old just made, sugar treat, the 5 year old bakes her 1st muffin plus Coles, the Korean grocer and the new Farmer's Market have you in their gunsights. Plus of course there's one or two life long friends who for some reason, who knows why, like you fat and become pastry chefs as soon as you start loosing weight. What I did, if this helps, is say to myself, it's all me, no one, no sugar (and bread) passes here, spear in the ground & just say no, politely. And it works but sadly there can't be any weakness. Then a month later, Hey Presto. Skinny Minnie. I hope this helps. (I find bread has exactly the same effect on me as sugar)
  • 28 Mar 2012 4:43 AM
    Reply # 870452 on 868420
    Re falling by the wayside on cruises, here are a few suggestions:

    [1] don't go on cruises :-) 
    [2] Tell them you're diabetic and that you will turn blue and DIE if you have more than 3 grains of sugar!  That'll scare them silly :-)
    [3] "Party food is for parties" So pick a couple of occasions during the cruise when you can pig-out. Then follow your new lifestyle for the rest of the journey.
    [4] Give up and start again when you get home :-(
    [5] Check in to this forum every day and have a whinge, get some support.
    [6] Jump overboard :-(

    Avoiding sugar may be a problem in Asian ports. I guess sticking to fresh whole (unprocessed) food might help - if the salmonella doesn't get you!  If they understand English tell them you want to avoid sugar and . .  see [2] above.
  • 28 Mar 2012 8:29 PM
    Reply # 871177 on 868420
    Deleted user
    Cruises are OK - there is plenty to pick from, particularly all the seafood, salads without dresssings, cooked breakfasts, don't go near the desert table or ask for fruit with the skin on
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