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How Much Sugar?

New Heading on The Web Site For Good Old Style Food You Can Eat

  • 15 Jun 2011 7:59 AM
    Message # 621884
    Deleted user

    I Think you need something like a New Headig on your After paid, Web site for Poeple to look up old favorites like home made stews,pies,steaks,chops,fish & chips, BBQ,s etc. plus we need to feel good about the things we can eat and also less on Sweets & cerials as we all believe in your statments and of the hard work you have studied for the use of Fructose infection of our daily food diet or else we would not have paid the money to join your web site, but we would like to be confident eating the food you don`t mention, ect. I am a firm beliver in what you are doing and only want to help, i have previsliy taken up boxing and lost large amounts of wieght,working and training 6 hours a day and fought at 80 kg, after i stopped boxing i went streight upto 108 kg , i have tried many diets since all work for 2 +weeks then the wieght comes back plus extra. Now your idea of diet is a joy for me as i have only lazyinly tried to go with out the sugar but been true to your website and have lost 3+ kg in 2 weeks and nopw just started to lke tap water again thanks jim powell.

  • 15 Jun 2011 8:15 AM
    Reply # 621892 on 621884

    I know what you mean James.  I think.

    We tend to dwell on the things we can't have and try to make substitutes. Instead of relishing the things we can have.  All those lovely savoury dishes.

    Something else I'd love to see is a cumulative shopping list of all the lowest sugar things that people regularly buy.  I think I should start a thread on it.

  • 16 Jun 2011 9:06 PM
    Reply # 623407 on 621884
    Deleted user
    Hi Jim, it is a bit of a minefield, isn't it.  Mainly the sugary food substitutes are for those who are going through withdrawals, to help them cope with all the nasty things some go through. Plus they are a great way of coping with those times that you are maybe invited to a BBQ, or other family occasion, when you can take your own 'stuff' with you, 'cos you know there will only be food you're not allowed to eat. Except, of course, all those lovely snags, chops & steaks!! Yum. 
    If you want basic savoury meals, try   Just watch out, using David's book, for the things they add that aren't the best choices, like onions & carrot, I used to add heaps, but now have cut back on them, but the flavour is still there, plus I love cooking one-pot meals, less washing up & no lost nutrition, & basically you can add in any vegies with your beef or chicken. 
    Also good to have at home are lentils, (dried) chick peas and 3 bean mix (canned, already cooked, just drain & rinse).  Barley is good too.  All you need is a small handful of the lentils & barley. You can rinse them first if you like. These things all help to thicken your stew. Invest in a large heavy based pot, when you see a sale on. A non-stick interior is always good for washing up, but don't use metal inside it.  You can grill chops, sausages,. steak, and lightly sear chicken breast, just season with salt & pepper. Have with steamed veg, or do a stir fry.
    But I always spend a lot on veg when I go shopping, I love cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussells sprouts, zuchinis, as well as the usual veg, pumpkin sweet potato & I always have mushrooms in the fridge.
    A few tips for keeping your veg fresh.....If you wrap your veg up in kitchen paper, then put in the bin in the fridge, they will keep for ages. Just keep an eye on them & maybe change the kitchen paper if it gets damp. I also keep celery  in there too, always chop off the base & separate the stalks, then wash, line a plastic bag with kitchen paper, then wrap the whole thing up loosley, without drying it. It will keep nice & crisp like that for ages. 

    I hope suggestions like this were what you were looking for, Jim. has all kinds of foods there, and it's fun to look through the recipes for a while. They also have tips, it's a really good site for people who are not so au fait or confident with cooking.

    Good luck with it all. If you have any questions at all about cooking, there is a whole heap of lovely people here, and over on the Sweet Poison forum, too, who are just dying to help you out!!

    Spread the Love

    Silver Angel


  • 16 Jun 2011 10:44 PM
    Reply # 623568 on 621892
    Deleted user
    Nadine Tallon wrote:

    I know what you mean James.  I think.

    We tend to dwell on the things we can't have and try to make substitutes. Instead of relishing the things we can have.  All those lovely savoury dishes.

    Something else I'd love to see is a cumulative shopping list of all the lowest sugar things that people regularly buy.  I think I should start a thread on it.

    I need a *like* button for your and Jim's posts. :)
  • 20 Jun 2011 8:37 PM
    Reply # 626265 on 621892
    Deleted user
    Nadine Tallon wrote:

    I know what you mean James.  I think.

    We tend to dwell on the things we can't have and try to make substitutes. Instead of relishing the things we can have.  All those lovely savoury dishes.

    Something else I'd love to see is a cumulative shopping list of all the lowest sugar things that people regularly buy.  I think I should start a thread on it.

    A good idea Nadine, why don't you? I think you will have lots of items on there. But, I guess they will have to have info on the actual amount of fructose/sugar in them?
    What do you think?

    Spread the Love

    Silver Angel

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