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How Much Sugar?

Here we go...hopefully for the last time!

  • 04 Oct 2010 6:42 PM
    Message # 438550
    Deleted user
    I am so so SO pleased to have found your book.  I bought it yesterday and am almost finished, but you have me convinced!

    I'm 29, mother of twin boys (about to turn five).  I work almost full time and run a small business.  I'm in the middle of trying to extricate myself from an abusive marriage to their father, while still keeping a smile on my dial (most of the time :) ).  I've never thought myself lacking in will power, but despite that, I'm 30kg over weight and just can't seem to kick it.  I've played basketball, I've done the gym regularly and at most, I've managed to get 10kg down. Now, I feel like maybe I have finally found an answer that MAKES SENSE.

    I have been saying to people for years "I feel like there must be something I'm missing, or something wrong with me - it seems like I have to work(exercise) REALLY hard to lose any weight unless I'm eating almost nothing."  Of course, I now know the answer - I always had a relatively low fat diet, but I'm a sweet treat junkie from way back and...voila, my bodily has been quite happily packing into fat all the fructose I shoved at it.  Cutting down my fat intake wasn't helping unless I was running every day and even then I sometimes only lost 100g a week., I started scrutinising the packets on everything (I bought Sweet Poison yesterday LOL).  I often buy muffins and baked beans to have at lunch at work.  Today, I got a tin of four bean mix and a loaf of wholemeal bread.  It shocked me how much sugar was in the tin of baked beans!  Everywhere I look - sugar.  In my weet-bix.  In the bread.  In the muesli bars I thought were better for my kids than a packet of crisps.  Sheez, they'd be better off with the chips!, here I am.  Trying to kick the sugar habit, and hoping my extra 30kg decides it might finally take notice of my running regime and nick off LOL!
  • 07 Oct 2010 11:57 PM
    Reply # 440628 on 438550
    Deleted user
    Katherine Chapman wrote:I am so so SO pleased to have found your book.  I bought it yesterday and am almost finished, but you have me convinced!

    I'm 29, mother of twin boys (about to turn five).  I work almost full time and run a small business.  I'm in the middle of trying to extricate myself from an abusive marriage to their father, while still keeping a smile on my dial (most of the time :) ).  I've never thought myself lacking in will power, but despite that, I'm 30kg over weight and just can't seem to kick it.  I've played basketball, I've done the gym regularly and at most, I've managed to get 10kg down. Now, I feel like maybe I have finally found an answer that MAKES SENSE.

    I have been saying to people for years "I feel like there must be something I'm missing, or something wrong with me - it seems like I have to work(exercise) REALLY hard to lose any weight unless I'm eating almost nothing."  Of course, I now know the answer - I always had a relatively low fat diet, but I'm a sweet treat junkie from way back and...voila, my bodily has been quite happily packing into fat all the fructose I shoved at it.  Cutting down my fat intake wasn't helping unless I was running every day and even then I sometimes only lost 100g a week., I started scrutinising the packets on everything (I bought Sweet Poison yesterday LOL).  I often buy muffins and baked beans to have at lunch at work.  Today, I got a tin of four bean mix and a loaf of wholemeal bread.  It shocked me how much sugar was in the tin of baked beans!  Everywhere I look - sugar.  In my weet-bix.  In the bread.  In the muesli bars I thought were better for my kids than a packet of crisps.  Sheez, they'd be better off with the chips!, here I am.  Trying to kick the sugar habit, and hoping my extra 30kg decides it might finally take notice of my running regime and nick off LOL!
    Hi Katherine
    Good on you for knocking back tim tams .... they are oops.... WERE a fave of mine too
    I am at the start of week 3 myself and hope to lose 30kgs just like you.
    I however don't have the stress of a crappy marriage or two little'uns to look after...
    I over the last 20 years have gone to the gym given up gone again got bored given up and gone back only to stop again when nothing much was happening on the scales... so here goes and it is astounding to me also what has sugar in it and how MUCH there is in some things that I never found particularly sweet... i am a major sugar addict from a tot... my mum said she struggled to get me to have milk but i would live on fruit alone and fruit juice :)
    I haven't had too many cravings... I have looked at lollies and chocolate and cake as I have walked past shops or aisles in the super market etc and had thoughts of wow i could go one of them right now but then i would rather not end up shooting insulin into myself everyday or popping a heap of pills for diabetes or cholesterol and other such things... anyway keep up the good work
    Good luck with your boycott of sugar...
    tamara :)

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