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How Much Sugar?

Back to the default setting!

  • 04 Oct 2010 5:02 AM
    Message # 437821
    Deleted user
    Introducing myself at last.. I have 20-25 kgs to lose and have lain awake at night worrying I'll inherit various diseases in the family, cardio vascular, dementia and cancer, and struggled with weight, which seemed to to get harder and harder to lose every time I tried. I had an EAT EAT EAT mentality I couldn't shake.

    I used to wish that I could go back to the original "settings" I had before weight became an issue .. early teens at a guess... now I'm late 40s and finally my wish has come true. I have reset my appetite mechanism. The weight is coming off and even if it slows, or sticks or stops I really appreciate the change in my food mentality. I still have patches of tired lethargy, usually 4pm, but now it doesn't propel me to buy rubbish, I just feel tired, and don't confuse it with a need for carbs.  I think I'm sleeping more deeply, but can't really say for sure.

    I have a dog to walk, so I get regular walks, but now don't feel I "should" be doing full-on fitness training to lose weight, which is a relief as I'm not sporty. I get bored at the prospect of long repeated bike rides and gym sessions, which I have done to no lasting weight loss.

    It's good to listen to my hunger, it's how we are designed to be, not writing everything we eat down on paper and obsessing about the right amount according to some corporation, who tempts us with low fat sugar treats... yes you Weight Watchers!!! I used to buy their expensive packets of sweet treats. No wonder I couldn't keep the weight off. 

    I hope I've discovered this fructose information in time, and that my arteries aren't already too clogged, and how reversible any damage done is... the health side is my main  interest with the weight loss a brilliant bonus!  Must ask Mr Google, and I'd appreciate any feedback on this subject!  

    Wonderful books David, a big thanks. I work in a library, and often recommend them to people getting out books on the weight loss topic, putting them on the right track! :)     

    Julie McNaught

  • 04 Oct 2010 5:36 AM
    Reply # 437827 on 437821
    Deleted user
    Julie McNaught wrote:Introducing myself at last.. I have 20-25 kgs to lose and have lain awake at night worrying I'll inherit various diseases in the family, cardio vascular, dementia and cancer, and struggled with weight, which seemed to to get harder and harder to lose every time I tried. I had an EAT EAT EAT mentality I couldn't shake.

    I used to wish that I could go back to the original "settings" I had before weight became an issue .. early teens at a guess... now I'm late 40s and finally my wish has come true. I have reset my appetite mechanism. The weight is coming off and even if it slows, or sticks or stops I really appreciate the change in my food mentality. I still have patches of tired lethargy, usually 4pm, but now it doesn't propel me to buy rubbish, I just feel tired, and don't confuse it with a need for carbs.  I think I'm sleeping more deeply, but can't really say for sure.

    I have a dog to walk, so I get regular walks, but now don't feel I "should" be doing full-on fitness training to lose weight, which is a relief as I'm not sporty. I get bored at the prospect of long repeated bike rides and gym sessions, which I have done to no lasting weight loss.

    It's good to listen to my hunger, it's how we are designed to be, not writing everything we eat down on paper and obsessing about the right amount according to some corporation, who tempts us with low fat sugar treats... yes you Weight Watchers!!! I used to buy their expensive packets of sweet treats. No wonder I couldn't keep the weight off. 

    I hope I've discovered this fructose information in time, and that my arteries aren't already too clogged, and how reversible any damage done is... the health side is my main  interest with the weight loss a brilliant bonus!  Must ask Mr Google, and I'd appreciate any feedback on this subject!  

    Wonderful books David, a big thanks. I work in a library, and often recommend them to people getting out books on the weight loss topic, putting them on the right track! :)     

    Julie McNaught

    Hi Julie,

    here are a couple of links to listen to if you are interested. This is where I heard the first interview with David. The interview is with Dr Lustig, they are very interesting. You might know of them, if not enjoy.



  • 05 Oct 2010 5:23 AM
    Reply # 438661 on 437821
    Deleted user
    Thanks Karen, I love the Lustig talk, it's long, but this 1.5 hours of excellent and motivating information is a good investment!  I would highly recommend everybody who reads the Sweet Poison books to watch the Youtube clip Karen suggests too... 
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