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How Much Sugar?

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  • 17 Oct 2016 9:40 AM
    Message # 4309378
    Deleted user

    OK, so here goes . . .

    Wife Wendy & I first encountered David being interviewed on our local radio station a couple of months ago.  We were both totally convinced by the logic and easy common sense of his talk, we ordered the book forthwith. (Eat Real Food).
    Our whole family and friends are queued up for a short lend, short because we like to refer back quite often!
    We now also have the ERF Cookbook!  Good stuff!
    Only concern now is the jealous tirade of negativity from so-called "experts" on various internet sites.  However, we can only assume that these types have other agendas, none of them of much value on the whole.

  • 18 Oct 2016 6:38 AM
    Reply # 4311115 on 4309378
    Hi Peter
    I have read most of David's books, but not this one. If you want to delve deeper into the whys and wherefores of the role of sugar in our health, I suggest that read his others. "Sweet Poison" is a serious dissertation on the role of fructose in our diet. It unfortunately lacks an index. "Sweet Poison Quit Plan" is an easier-to-read version plus recipes. "Big Fat Lies" is about the saturated-fat myth we have lived with for 40 or more years. "Toxic Oils" is about the serious risks of consuming polyunsaturated fats/oils.
    Another author worth reading is Professor Robert Lustig's books and YouTube lectures are well worth reading/watching, especially "The Real Truth About Sugar" and "Fat Chance".
    In relation to fructose, it can become a bit tedious calculating your daily intake of fructose to keep it below 10g. But if you follow these two criteria you will be OK.: (a) You feel full at the end of each meal - i.e. your appetite-control system is working; and (b) your weight remains more or less steady and your BMI under 25.
    The "experts" do indeed have their own axes to grind. Many have been brainwashed by the sat-fat mythology, and have a lifetime reputation to maintain. They don't like having their cages rattled.  They are also distrustful of upstarts who aren't part of the establishment.
    I hope it all goes as well for you as it has for me over the last 5 years or so.
    Oh, an do sign up to David's blog "Raisin' Hell".

    Last modified: 18 Oct 2016 6:39 AM | Anonymous
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