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How Much Sugar?

Confused ... what am I doing wrong?

  • 09 Sep 2010 5:49 AM
    Message # 415646
    Deleted user

    Hi David,

    I am looking forward to hearing you on Saturday.

    I am 5’1” , weigh 71.90. and am 60 years of age.

    I am not on any medication and have never been.

    I walk for 40 minutes  5 days a week and this is mainly up and down hills. I have done this for years, so I am not a couch potato.

    My diet according to the Naturopath on 4BC,  is very good.

    I have kicked the sugar habit 13 weeks ago and not had a biscuit,  cake, sweet fizzy drink, artificial  sweetener or chocolate since then.

    I never have had alcohol.

    The only thing that was a problem for me was the cake and biscuits I was used to having.

    My diet  up until 2 weeks ago was :-

    Rolled oats on full cream  milk. About 9AM after my walk.

    Lunch:  2 slices of Wholemeal bread, Salad, Avocado as a spread protein and then a piece of fruit

    Afternoon tea:   nuts or piece of fruit or 2 plain rice cakes with feta, and tomato.

    Evening meal:  4 or 5 vegies,  feta,  fish or small meat.    (I use sour cream as a dressing )

    2 weeks ago,  because I have not lost any weight in 11 weeks I cut out  the bread, and the rolled oats and now have 2 of bacon and 1 egg for breakfast.

    I have not had any bread for 2 weeks and I STILL HAVE NOT LOST A GRAM.   So, I have cut out most of the  carbs I used to eat.     (I  weigh on our commercial scales used in our warehouse which are spot on with the Post Office scales.)

    I love feta and ricotta so I often snack on that.

    As you have said , we would find it boring to know what you eat, well, that would be like most of us. It is hard to write just what we eat  as it changes on a daily basis, but I do have only 2 pieces of fruit, no added sugar.  

    David, I would love the opportunity to discuss this matter with  you.  I do not cheat in any way (that I am aware) as I really would like to get down to 65KGS. Which is very realistic .

    I am a total believer in your program, and have convinced many people to buy your book, even though  I am having trouble leaving the starting block.

    Do you have any ideas as to why I am not loosing any weight - I am healthy.

    My daughter has lost 9 kgs in four weeks - she is delighted.

    Regards, and thanks .

    Lorna Griffiths

  • 09 Sep 2010 9:19 AM
    Reply # 415723 on 415646
    Deleted user
    Hi Lorna, I hear your frustration - experiencing same thing at moment and its only been 6 weeks. In the past I lost weight really easily when going fructo-free so I have experienced it for myself - and this time it's not happening for me either and my diet is very similar to yours - still eating oats though. Love to hear how you go!
  • 13 Sep 2010 7:45 PM
    Reply # 417916 on 415646
    Deleted user

    In response to Lorna G ...if you have been this weight for sometime, and exercised in this same way also for some time, your body has comfortably adjusted to the way you manage yourself.  Try a different daily exercise regime, treadmill, orbetrek, weights etc to stimulate other muscular tissues that don't normally get a work out.

    I also encourage you to treat yourself to a lymphatic massage treatment by a qualified Lymphatic Massage Therapist, you just might be pleasantly surprised!  As we (women) get older we accumulate not only adipose tissue (fat) around our middle regions, but also fluid (lymph), and sometimes this accululation of lymph fluid is mistaken for unwanted fat, which doesn't move despite all the dieting and exercise under the sun.  However, sometimes a good lymphtic massage can be just the perfect catalist our bodies need to get things back into sink.  I can guarantee you will feel the difference afterwards. Don't be surprised if you find yourself booking for a 2nd or 3rd treatment.

    I am a similar age, weight and height so appreciate your frustration.  Also, don't compare yourself to your daughter, when you were her age weight loss would not have been an issue!!

    Go girl!


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