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How Much Sugar?

Sweet Poison Quit Plan book

  • 16 Jul 2010 9:13 PM
    Message # 385207
    Deleted user

    Hi David,

    Just wanted to say thank you for the Quit Plan! I've finally got past the first few days of sugar withdrawal and now I'm up to day 21 sugar free. I read the extract of your new book online, and put the ideas into action, then I got the book from my local bookstore, and kept going.

    I realised my most difficult hurdle was facing the fact that I was afraid of quitting- of getting headaches and feeling low. I realised I had used sugar to boost up my low feelings on a daily basis. I loved the graph on p 41 (Quit Plan). It made it so clear- I was always on a roller coaster from normal down to depression because the sugar was bouncing me around. I realised I was always feeling low and got headaches regularly anyway- why didn't I just do the withdrawal and get to the end? Chocolate was starting to taste terrible anyway and it took several bars to feel I was enjoying it, and then I got heart palpatations from all the sugar! Eating sugar was making me sick even in the first few bites, so I said i would finally go cold turkey.

    I appreciate the feedback that it's going to take a while to withdraw. But the headaches stopped in the first week. The depression stopped in week 2 when I realised I needed to get out in the sun every day- I get winter depression anyway- and whenever I felt yuk, I had toast and almond butter, and so I had a "comfort food" which didn't trigger my cravings.

    I'm finally saying in my head, " i don't need it"-when chocolate comes into my mind, rather than "I'm quitting, o no, how am I going to cope?, I'd better eat just one last bar." I can't stop it arriving in my mind as a thought, yet, but I can send it on its way out by saying, truthfully, that i just do not want it!

    Thanks also to all the people who post messages- you are inspiring me too!

    Last modified: 16 Jul 2010 9:13 PM | Deleted user
  • 16 Jul 2010 10:03 PM
    Reply # 385225 on 385207


    I have ordered the Quit Plan book and am patiently awaiting its arrival. In the meantime, I have a question about a certain yoghurt (weight watchers "no fat"). In the nutritional information, it has a breakdown of all sugars. So quotes 0.9g of fructose, however 9.6g of total sugar. Seeing as this is a small amount of fructose (which is what we are eliminating), is this yoghurt ok, or is the total sugar too high?


  • 18 Jul 2010 1:16 AM
    Reply # 385633 on 385225
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:


    I have ordered the Quit Plan book and am patiently awaiting its arrival. In the meantime, I have a question about a certain yoghurt (weight watchers "no fat"). In the nutritional information, it has a breakdown of all sugars. So quotes 0.9g of fructose, however 9.6g of total sugar. Seeing as this is a small amount of fructose (which is what we are eliminating), is this yoghurt ok, or is the total sugar too high?


    Two very suss phrases "weight watchers" and "no fat" - Where there is no fat is usually a sugar substitute or artificial sweetener.  I'd firstly be very wary of the .9g of fructose - that probably means High fructose corn syrup or something (which is a serious issue);  Go for a yoghurt that is about 4.7 gs or less (total sugars) per 100g.  In his book David says that in dairy lactose makes up about 4.5g of the sugars therefore making it a very low or negligable sucrose food.  Stick with Jalna low/no fat or Jalna whole milk yoghurts.  You can't go wrong and you can pretty much always find this brand.
    It's also very easy and cheap to make your own.  do a goole search, or youtube on making your own.

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