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How Much Sugar?

Another new member

  • 15 Jul 2010 5:45 AM
    Message # 383019
    Deleted user
    I'm on day 4 and doing ok. By the end of the 1st day the headache started, it was quite debilitating, it lasted until day 3 half way through the day. Today I'm feeling really good, energy and a overall feeling of lightness. 1st 3 days I needed to have a sugar free softdrink, but today no need, I haven't drunk so much water in I don't know how long. I can't believe I have even been tempted to lick my fingers, when it's been something I can no longer have. I'm hoping this will continue, we will have to see.

  • 15 Jul 2010 7:02 AM
    Reply # 383031 on 383019
    Deleted user
    Michelle Swinerd wrote:I'm on day 4 and doing ok. By the end of the 1st day the headache started, it was quite debilitating, it lasted until day 3 half way through the day. Today I'm feeling really good, energy and a overall feeling of lightness. 1st 3 days I needed to have a sugar free softdrink, but today no need, I haven't drunk so much water in I don't know how long. I can't believe I have even been tempted to lick my fingers, when it's been something I can no longer have. I'm hoping this will continue, we will have to see.

    Good on you Michelle!  Keep going.  Life is great on the other side. I'm noticing a new wonderful thing every day I'm off the stuff.  Today I registered another 1.2 kilos lost and noticed such a serenity and joy to be around my kids and just watch them - like I haven't had in a long time.
  • 17 Jul 2010 5:47 AM
    Reply # 385297 on 383031
    Deleted user
    Anthea Falkiner wrote:
    Michelle Swinerd wrote:I'm on day 4 and doing ok. By the end of the 1st day the headache started, it was quite debilitating, it lasted until day 3 half way through the day. Today I'm feeling really good, energy and a overall feeling of lightness. 1st 3 days I needed to have a sugar free softdrink, but today no need, I haven't drunk so much water in I don't know how long. I can't believe I have even been tempted to lick my fingers, when it's been something I can no longer have. I'm hoping this will continue, we will have to see.

    Good on you Michelle!  Keep going.  Life is great on the other side. I'm noticing a new wonderful thing every day I'm off the stuff.  Today I registered another 1.2 kilos lost and noticed such a serenity and joy to be around my kids and just watch them - like I haven't had in a long time.
    Well day 5 was a little harder I was so hungry all day, but I can't believe I haven't broken it, I just keep saying to myself I don't eat like that anymore. It helps that I have a general feeling of well being it's hard to explain.  So good on you and your weight loss, how much weight have you lost altogether and how long have you been sugar free? I have to lose about 30kilos, so am hopeful that will come. Nice chatting to you.
  • 18 Jul 2010 1:07 AM
    Reply # 385632 on 385297
    Deleted user
    Michelle Swinerd wrote:
    Anthea Falkiner wrote:
    Michelle Swinerd wrote:I'm on day 4 and doing ok. By the end of the 1st day the headache started, it was quite debilitating, it lasted until day 3 half way through the day. Today I'm feeling really good, energy and a overall feeling of lightness. 1st 3 days I needed to have a sugar free softdrink, but today no need, I haven't drunk so much water in I don't know how long. I can't believe I have even been tempted to lick my fingers, when it's been something I can no longer have. I'm hoping this will continue, we will have to see.

    Good on you Michelle!  Keep going.  Life is great on the other side. I'm noticing a new wonderful thing every day I'm off the stuff.  Today I registered another 1.2 kilos lost and noticed such a serenity and joy to be around my kids and just watch them - like I haven't had in a long time.
    Well day 5 was a little harder I was so hungry all day, but I can't believe I haven't broken it, I just keep saying to myself I don't eat like that anymore. It helps that I have a general feeling of well being it's hard to explain.  So good on you and your weight loss, how much weight have you lost altogether and how long have you been sugar free? I have to lose about 30kilos, so am hopeful that will come. Nice chatting to you.
    I've been off sugar and caffeine for about 4 weeks now.  I went off it before coming across David and his writings.  However, since I read his book I've been experimenting with baking with glucose for my family and I think that now has to stop (being the end of holidays and all) because If I keep this up I won't lose any more weight.  I can feel a plateau coming on and yesterday after a day eating potato chips and cream cheese sandwiches I feel bulkier than I have in the last week.  So beginning tomorrow I'm not baking or making desserts unless we have guest or it's a saturday night treat.  I've successfully managed to get my family all off sugar, so I guess I've been wanting to entice them through sugar withdrawals with a bit of comfort food - but it's not doing me any good.
    But I've lost about 3 kilos since starting.  Still got another 7 to go...

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