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How Much Sugar?

Is anyone losing weight?

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  • 10 Aug 2010 2:42 PM
    Reply # 400460 on 381574
    Deleted user
    Anthea Falkiner wrote:
    Kristie Boon wrote:I have reading these forums but no one is saying they are losing weight on this diet, could someone please let us all know by cutting out all sugar do you lose weight or do you just stop the cravings for sugar and feel fuller.
    On this program, I would like to see weight lose too! 
    Hi Kristie,
    I have said I'm losing a couple of times on the forum.  I'm almost 4 weeks in and have lost a couple of kilos.  I know that you will definitely lose weight, and a lot, because I've been off sugar before for about 6 months and I lost a tremendous amount of weight and was eating like a horse.  Keep hanging in there...  Have faith.
    A lot of people here are new and are only at the start of their journeys so that's why not many people are commenting on weight loss yet.

    Hi Kristie,
    I have been 10 days into "no sugar at all" (absolutely no sugar, cooking all our own food, and have cleaned out fridge, cupboards ect.) and 40 days into no "added sugar" (in coffee, tea, on cereal, no jam, honey etc..)   Lost 1/2 kg with no added sugar and then 2kgs this last ten days.  Yes, I believe that the weight that sugar added to my body will come off as I continue to eat foods that do not have fructose.   I haven't tried any of the sweets recipes in Davids book, because I want to get to a point where all of this is second nature and I don't have to spend any more of my life stressing/worrying/thinking about food/weight/health.    I when the first 1/2kg fell off I was very nervous about getting excited - all those failures in the past have made me very sceptical.   
    As well as the weight loss I have noticed that my tummy isn't distended and I definately have decreased the amount of food I can put in my tummy in one sitting.    Also, my son has lost 2kg, and he can't eat as much as he used to in one sitting.  (my other so is just starting to 'prick up' his interest now that he sees his brother doing okay without all that sugar.)
    Keep going Kristie, and please keep posting I would really like to know how you are going.
    Cheers Donna
  • 10 Aug 2010 9:50 PM
    Reply # 400543 on 381508
    Deleted user
    Kristie Boon wrote:I have reading these forums but no one is saying they are losing weight on this diet, could someone please let us all know by cutting out all sugar do you lose weight or do you just stop the cravings for sugar and feel fuller.
    On this program, I would like to see weight lose too! 
    I started this to test the theories in the book and thought it would be great to lose a little weight too. I'm on day 3. I am having no sugar now having opted for a sweetener in my tea and coffee. When I got on the scales this morning I had lost 1.2kg!  But the best thing is that I am starting to feel better - not bloated, not quite so sluggish and I am definitely not dieting. I had grilled swordfish and chips for dinner last night. I couldn't finish all the chips which is an indicator to me that my appetite control is coming back as I hadn't eaten due to travelling around for 7 hours at that stage. I'm also not having any cravings but you never know this may be the calm before the storm.
  • 12 Aug 2010 6:47 AM
    Reply # 401414 on 381508

    The reason removing sugar makes weightloss happen is that once it is gone our appetite control system can once again function.  Once it is working our bodies throttle down how much we eat and because we don't get the (sugar driven) cravings, we don't eat as much.  

    For most of us the readjustment doesn't happen overnight.  Some people start losing weight immediately but some actually gain weight in the first few weeks.  But eventually the readjustment will happen and you will be unable to eat more than you need.  Then the weightloss starts happening.  It happens at about .5 to 1 kg per week BUT it is permanent (for as long as you don't eat sugar).

    It took me 40 years to be forty kgs overweight and took about a year not to be - I thought that was a reasonable trade :-)

    If you get impatient with a plateau (they definitely do happen), what always worked for me was a little nudge with a week or so of low-carb eating and then returning to just sugar-free ... always worked a treat.

    Hopefully that all helps a bit?



    PS Even if I didn't lose a gram, knowing what I know now about what sugar does to my insides, I'd still be off the sugar!

  • 31 Aug 2010 2:26 AM
    Reply # 411140 on 381508
    Deleted user
    Hi All
    It's day 23 for me and I'd thought I'd check in. I lost more weight for a few days (4kg) and now I seem to be slowly putting it back on. Not a lot but still some. I haven't really found the appetite control kicking in yet but maybe that's because I'm fasting at the moment and so when I get dinner I'm very hungry and thirsty.

    I have a question about dried fruit for David.
    If whole fruit is acceptable because of the fibre why is dried fruit not acceptable? It has the same quantity of fibre just less water.

  • 11 Sep 2010 5:03 AM
    Reply # 416724 on 381508
    Deleted user
    I am losing weight and feeling really good,  3 weeks off sugar and 3 kgs off me! I think you need to make sure you get hungry between meals to lose weight, but the hunger is different from dieting, there is no desperation. If you're hungry, eat.  It's simple. I'm avoiding all artificial sweeteners, and finding my salt cravings have diminished radically too, I use to alternate between sugar and salt treats with the old addiction. 

    I like my life NOT revolving around food, it's very freeing. It makes me wonder if the eating disorders like bulimia (which I didn't have, but sometimes felt like I verged on) could be helped this way. 

  • 17 Sep 2010 9:54 PM
    Reply # 420448 on 381508
    Deleted user


    Tomorrow will be week 3 for me and I have lost a total of 3 kgs (I have a lot to lose) and gone up two belt holes. I have done this with little effort and have surprised myself as I wanted to change my eating before looking at my weight (I have failed too many diets). I eat when I am hungry and no longer have the terrible binges that were so hard to control. My hypogyclemia appears to be well under control and I have suffered no sugar lows at all. Also the type of foods I eat have increased and I am enjoying foods that I would eat with guilt, like a nice big bowl of pasta and sauce. I made a asian dressing for a salad the other night and used dextrose as the sweetener and it tasted great and no one noticed in my house.

    I hope others are having some success too.

    Cheers from Anna

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