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How Much Sugar?

keen to feel well

  • 22 Nov 2012 10:59 PM
    Message # 1143999
    Deleted user
    I have been sugar free for 4 weeks, doing loads of reading, and watching links on sugar etc. I have definitely felt several benefits from giving up the addiction. Once the initial headache from hell, and flu- like sensations left my sorry being, my Joints are better, aches in the bones have gone, more energy, more active, and clear headed - marvelous! However, my worst hang up is that I am obese, and have not lost any weight! My appetite has definitely decreased, and for the very first time in my life I have experienced the sensation of being full in the middle of a meal. So i don't think I am any longer over-eating. ...And still no weight loss. I have counted calories, and am having under the requirement of 1200 per day (sometimes as little as 800) and not having any hidden sugars, and limit my fruit intake to 1 piece of fruit a day, but in reality, it's been more like 3 pieces in a week. Can someone give me some information regarding leptin and any other information that may help me to kick start a weight loss. I am worried as around about now I usually give up with diets, but I really don't want to give this up, as I know it's good for me.  I am in my fifties now, and don't want to be old and fat and unhealthy.... Please help me!
  • 23 Nov 2012 3:20 AM
    Reply # 1144108 on 1143999
    Siobhan Whaley wrote:I have been sugar free for 4 weeks, doing loads of reading, and watching links on sugar etc. I have definitely felt several benefits from giving up the addiction. Once the initial headache from hell, and flu- like sensations left my sorry being, my Joints are better, aches in the bones have gone, more energy, more active, and clear headed - marvelous! However, my worst hang up is that I am obese, and have not lost any weight! My appetite has definitely decreased, and for the very first time in my life I have experienced the sensation of being full in the middle of a meal. So i don't think I am any longer over-eating. ...And still no weight loss. I have counted calories, and am having under the requirement of 1200 per day (sometimes as little as 800) and not having any hidden sugars, and limit my fruit intake to 1 piece of fruit a day, but in reality, it's been more like 3 pieces in a week. Can someone give me some information regarding leptin and any other information that may help me to kick start a weight loss. I am worried as around about now I usually give up with diets, but I really don't want to give this up, as I know it's good for me.  I am in my fifties now, and don't want to be old and fat and unhealthy.... Please help me!

    Have you read Sweet Poison ? And watched the video at ? If so you will understand the metabolism of fructose in some detail.

    Leptin is one of the four stomach hormones - the one which tells you when you have had enough fat. Check it in Wikipedia.

    Four weeks is a very short time compared to the time it took to get yourself obese :-)  Just persevere and things will work out.  What is your BMI?  [Weight (kg) / Height(m)-squared]. 20 -25 =normal; >25 = overweight; >30 = obese.

    Don't think of this as a diet . . .  just regard it as a change in your lifestyle. And don't give up!  It has worked for 1000s of people and it will work for you.


  • 26 Nov 2012 5:18 PM
    Reply # 1146372 on 1143999
    Deleted user

    I'm with John, it's not a diet but a lifestyle and you didn't gain weight over night, so it won't fall off over night. I've never counted calories or regularly weighed myself, just go by how I feel and fit of clothes. Don't be hard on yourself, I'm 52 and feel the same as you, don't want to be unwell, but since going fructose free I have never felt better - my allergies have all but disappeared and life is great, except for arthritis just starting but I will exercise and take my supplements. Folow the SPQP and you'll reap the benefits.



  • 27 Nov 2012 12:57 AM
    Reply # 1146628 on 1143999
    A very good supplement for arthritis is Concentrated Fish Oil. 2.5ml to save your heart; 5ml per day to fix Uncle Arthur. It's not  cheap, about $50.00 for 375ml of the "Ethical Nutrients" version which is the best. It also corrects the Omega 6/Omega 3 imbalance in our diet which is why it is good for your heart - it should be 2 of "3" to 1 of "6" but in the average Australian  diet it's 15 of "6" to 1 of "3" . . . out by a factor of 30!

    The best lotion I have found is Doctor's best Celadrin. I buy it from iHerb in the U.S.A. at about half the price it is in Australia. My knees and hands are moderately affected, and this stuff keeps UA  at bay :-)  No stinging and no strong smell.

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