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How Much Sugar?

Measurable health benefits

  • 22 Sep 2012 9:29 PM
    Message # 1080283
    Deleted user
    Apart from weight loss. Can anyone tell me how long on a very low fructose diet should we see a reduction in our total cholesterol, Triglycerides and LDL? Is it enough to stop the need for lipid reduction meds. Also what about hypertension? Can we expect to see a reduced BP enough to lower or even stop antihypertensive medication? 
    By the way, I do not have a huge weight problem but need to lose 7kg to be in healthy weight bracket, so my initial goal is to lose the extra kilos but would love to stop my BP meds using diet and preserve my poor liver, pancreas and arteries a little more and still enjoy a glass of wine in the evening :-)
    Boy I did it all wrong raising my kids in regard to their diet (in my ignorance). If I can show some evidence then I have a bit of a head start in convincing then to stop all their fizzy and juice drinking and tomato sauce consumption!
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