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How Much Sugar?

Feeling Better - any organisation tips?

  • 09 Jul 2012 3:33 AM
    Message # 1002129
    Deleted user

    Hi I am Leanne and this is my 3rd week of cutting out sugar at least the stuff that has been most obvious so far- lollies, chocolate, icecream and fruit.  I have never been a  "I will have just one" type of person  I have a lolly I must have the whole bag I have a small serve of icecream I will want 2 of them I am sure you get the picture.  Too much sugar, at least what I used to call too much sugar, causes painful little bumps on my tongue and I quite often felt seasick on the bus at the end of the day because I was actually bloated and full of god knows what - to top it off I have ulcerative colitis and I get hypoglacemic.  I can no longer eat blueberries, strawberries  and raspberries because last year out of the blue they started having a very painful effect on my stomach needless to say you dont want to know those details - I just cant eat them ever again!  Sad because I was never a huge fruit lover but I do love blueberries.  I was prescribed Somac by my Dr for indigestion that has plagued me for a year or so because OTC medicines just were not working I have taken 2 in the last 3 weeks one taken today because I could feel it coming on (I wasnt so sensible this weekend).  I just need to be organised I am buying a thermomix to help me with time management - how do others out there get organised any tricks /tips you can pass on?


  • 09 Jul 2012 4:50 PM
    Reply # 1002758 on 1002129
    Deleted user
    Hi Leanne.  I can totally relate to the 'can't have just one' syndrome.  I've eaten a block of sugar free chocolate, because it was there, and I had a square every couple of days.  In the past, the house was full of exotic chocolates and I'd eat a block a day, easy, or eat a tub of ice cream in one sitting.  I used to have terrible indigestion, I'd wake up choking on bile.  The doctor gave me meds, but I felt like it was better to treat the cause, so I tried to watch what I ate late at night.  When I travel to the US, their food always made it worse.  My last trip, I was there 3 weeks and far from perfect, although I still tried to be good.  I didn't have any issues, my secret horde of Quikeeze was left untouched.

    Organised in what way ? I think the thing you're buying is a mixmaster that also cooks your food ? In which case you mean, with getting meals ready ? I work from home, so I have all the time in the world to cook my family dinner before my wife gets home, but, the easiest way to avoid sugar, I've found, is to just do meat and veg.  I do fish twice a week, we do lots of lamb ( it's lamb we raised, the freezer is full of it ), and then some chicken here and there ( I will do kievs, although I bet the bread crumb has sugar in it ).  For breakfast, I have prosciutto and mushrooms, every day.  I am a creature of habit.  But, if I was pressed for time, I'd have toast with avocado, that's one tip I got from the book that I have come to quite enjoy.

    Are you trying to find ways to make quick meals for a family ? A slow cooker is a good option for that in general, just make your own sauces ( which don't have to be elaborate ), because I'm sure the 'slow cooker' packets in the supermarkets will have sugar.

  • 09 Jul 2012 11:54 PM
    Reply # 1003245 on 1002129
    Deleted user

    Thanks Christian - I was a bit vague looking back at my message not really sure about exactly what it was what I wanted!  I am away from home 11-12 hours a day and its easy to get lazy and because I wanted an extra 10 mins sleep in today I nearly gave in and just thought I would buy something on the run but I was overcome with commonsense and hauled myself up and into the kitchen, I do try and get organised at night but I have a flatmate who has taken over the whole kitchen for several hours everynight when I get home!  Theres not any room for me!  I tend to get thrown off track by this sort of thing which means it is easy to give up!  I suppose I just have to be disciplined on weekends!  Thanks so much for responding!





  • 10 Jul 2012 2:04 AM
    Reply # 1003370 on 1002129
    Deleted user
    Hi Leanne.

    For breakfast, it only takes a moment to make toast, and put cheese on it, or avocado, or both.  For dinner, that's a bit more work, but you can make things that are reheatable, and reheat them through the week.  The trick is just to make sure you're not using anything that has sugar ( reheatable often means casserole, and if you use a store bought sauce, it's likely to have sugar ).  But, even then, meat and 3 veg does not take that long to make, so long as you can get in the kitchen.  The alternative is to get your flat mate sugar free, and take turns cooking dinner.... :-)

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